Bitcoin Investing

Crypto Investor News for 11/18

Crypto Investor News for 11/18

The Constitution of the United States established the fundamental rights and laws of the new nation’s citizens, and that the purpose of the government was to serve those citizens.

Crypto Investor News for 11/17

Crypto Investor News for 11/17

“Half of the inflation we see today, in my belief, is temporary,” “and the other half is just misallocating resources like energy,” Kevin O’Leary recently told CNBC.

Crypto Investor News for 11/9/21

Crypto Investor News for 11/9/21

Ethereum’s Inflation Rate is Now Lower Than the U.S. (CoinMetrics): The last Ethereum upgrade allowed ETH to be burned (or removed from circulation), and the good news is that more ETH is being burned, giving it a net annual inflation of 1%.