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7 Types of Investors You Will Find in Crypto Markets

7 Types of Investors You Will Find in Crypto Markets

Since cryptocurrencies went mainstream in 2017, you can now find a wide range of investors in the crypto asset market. In this article, you will discover the seven most common type of investors you will find in new finance so that you are aware of who you are dealing with […]

How Oracles Can Enhance the Usefulness of Cryptocurrencies

How Oracles Can Enhance the Usefulness of Cryptocurrencies

One of the key buzzwords that is often talked about in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space is “smart contracts”. These digitized contracts are the main talking point of the Ethereum network, and the basic idea is to allow for complex types of transactions that only execute if specific conditions are […]

Bitcoin Basics: What Is an Atomic Swap?

Bitcoin Basics: What Is an Atomic Swap?

Investors, especially more adventurous ones, will sooner or later run into the problem of exchanging currency. You have to take a set of dollars and turn them into another set. It is expensive, it is obnoxious, it takes forever, and with altcoins, that may create a tax liability depending on […]

Oh Oh, the SEC is Scrutinizing ICOs? What That Means

Oh Oh, the SEC is Scrutinizing ICOs? What That Means

“Those who engage in semantic gymnastics or elaborate structuring exercises in an effort to avoid having a ‘coin’ be a ‘security’ are squarely in the crosshairs of our enforcement division.” Jay Clayton, Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, testifying on February 6 before Congress. In a public statement put […]

How to Launch an ICO in the Forthcoming Age of Enforcement

How to Launch an ICO in the Forthcoming Age of Enforcement

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has made it clear that they consider tokens sold during an initial coin offering securities for the purposes of regulatory enforcement. This means that companies launching ICOs will need to comply with SEC rules regarding public sales of these regulated financial products. Now, selling […]

Decentralization Explained in Three Minutes

Decentralization Explained in Three Minutes

When someone talks about bitcoin or other altcoins, they drop in “decentralization” as a key feature. But nobody ever bothers to explain it. What is it? Why is centralization so important to our monetary system? Why is it important that bitcoin and other altcoins upend that?  In this video, featuring […]

Blockchain Explained in Two Minutes

Blockchain Explained in Two Minutes

Confused by blockchain? If you’ve got two minutes, we’ll cut out the jargon and the unnecessary technical specifications and show you how the blockchain evolved from the double-entry accounting ledgers of the medieval era, to the checkbooks of yesteryear, to the distributed, shared ledger that exists today. You’ll also learn […]

What’s Up Next with Coinbase’s New Investment Arm

What’s Up Next with Coinbase’s New Investment Arm

The blockchain world lies in the path of an incoming storm. With regulators picking up speed in defining regulation on altcoin products and with at least one former regulator arguing that existing major coins like Ether and Ripple may already be in violation of securities rules, the advent of new […]

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$ 67,771.75 (+2.07%)
$ 1.00 (+0.01%)
$ 1.00 (+0.1%)
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$ 3,254.80 (+2.01%)
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