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PROFILE: Kendrick Nguyen, Crypto Crowdfunder, Innovator, and Regulatory Influencer

PROFILE: Kendrick Nguyen, Crypto Crowdfunder, Innovator, and Regulatory Influencer

Meet Kendrick Nguyen, and you’re immediately struck by three things – unfailing courtesy, unflagging humility, and an ever-present how-can-I-help-you attitude. They’re traits that stand out especially among the personality types that typically swagger around Silicon Valley and Wall Street, where Nguyen splits most of his time. The irony is that […]

How to Buy EOS, A Step by Step Guide

How to Buy EOS, A Step by Step Guide

For many potential investors in the altcoin space, there is concern regarding the long-term viability of bitcoin and Ether. Bitcoin has been slow to embrace changes and still has its transaction bottleneck problem, along with extreme price speculation. Ethereum, while fixing some of bitcoin’s more annoying features, still has a […]

Bitcoin Market Journal Offers Free PRO Subscriptions to NYSE Members

Bitcoin Market Journal Offers Free PRO Subscriptions to NYSE Members

Boston, MA (May 9, 2018) – According to a New York Times report, the parent company of the New York Stock Exchange is developing an online platform to allow investors to “buy and hold” bitcoin. To help traders themselves learn about these new digital assets, Bitcoin Market Journal, the leading […]

Telegram ICO Now at $1.7 Billion

Telegram ICO Now at $1.7 Billion

Telegram Group Inc. has continued to raise money for the Telegram Open Network (TON), a platform that seeks to offer a wide range of decentralized services, including micropayments and internet storage. The company, which is based in the British Virgin Islands, raised $850 million through a recent offering, according to […]

15 Tools for Bitcoin and Altcoin Investing

15 Tools for Bitcoin and Altcoin Investing

One of the major benefits of new finance is the tools and resources available for bitcoin and altcoin investors. Whether you are a new or an experienced investor, it is important to have a strong toolkit to manage your investments. This article provides 15 user-friendly resources to add to your […]

What Is Fungibility and Why Does It Matter?

What Is Fungibility and Why Does It Matter?

When you spend a dollar, you do not really think about what kind of dollar it is. You do not check the serial number to compare it to the value of another dollar. Dollars are, well, dollars. One dollar on paper is worth the same as a digital dollar deposited […]

What Is Sharding in Blockchain Terminology?

What Is Sharding in Blockchain Terminology?

Imagine this. What if every time you spent a dollar, you had to update everybody who buys and sells dollars? What if you had to contact every bank, every merchant, and every investor and let them know that you were spending this dollar with this serial number? If that sounds […]

What’s the Difference Between a Hard Fork and an Altcoin?

What’s the Difference Between a Hard Fork and an Altcoin?

One of the more interesting trends in the altcoin market for almost a year now has been the desire to create offshoots of bitcoin by attempting hard-forking changes to the cryptocurrency’s protocol rules. In the aftermath of the relative success of Bitcoin Cash (Bitcash), we now also have other projects […]

What Is an Orphan Block?

What Is an Orphan Block?

As a concept, the blockchain is simple. It is a big ledger, and each entry on that ledger, a block, is the foundation for the next block. That is how it is supposed to work in theory. In reality, however, sometimes there are blocks that never get built upon, and […]

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