
E Pluribus Unum

E Pluribus Unum

I have a dream for the next four years. It’s one word: unity.
I’m writing this from the United States of America, where unity is literally part of our name. (It’s not called the Bickering States of America.)

The Golden Rule of Value Investing

The Golden Rule of Value Investing

Mati Greenspan and I were talking recently about basic investing principles. He was marveling that people are still buying Tesla stock at $2,000 a share. “People don’t understand valuation,” he said.

The Great Reset

The Great Reset

In the midst of a boatload of bad news these few weeks, there was a huge sign of hope.

The World Economic Forum (think of them like the United Nations of money) launched a new campaign called “The Great Reset.” I encourage you to watch the 90-second video here.

The New Rules of Business During COVID-19

The New Rules of Business During COVID-19

Communication Can Save Lives For years, we’ve said to each other, particularly after a bad day, “Well, at least lives aren’t at stake.” But today, lives ARE at stake. When we communicate well about COVID-19, we help slow the spread of the virus and ease the burden on our healthcare […]