
Best Practices for Communicating COVID-19 (+ Free Cheat Sheet)

Best Practices for Communicating COVID-19 (+ Free Cheat Sheet)

This isn’t the first time humans have faced a pandemic. Fortunately, many smart people have spent many years putting together best practices on how to communicate to the public. We’ve pulled together their recommendations into these  quick tips  that you can share with your team. Think of this as your  communication playbook , suitable […]

How to Communicate Health During COVID-19

How to Communicate Health During COVID-19

You’ve probably seen Google’s “Do The Five” campaign, about how to avoid contacting Coronavirus. But how do you communicate this in a way that people will REMEMBER? At Media Shower, we’ve been working on CoCo, our project to help positive messages about Coronavirus go, well, viral. (As marketing and communication professionals, […]

An Intro to CoCo: The COVID-19 Communication Project

An Intro to CoCo: The COVID-19 Communication Project

  During the COVID-19 outbreak, one thing we can all do is communicate well about Coronavirus. Coronavirus + Communication = CoCo. We’ve created the CoCo Briefs to empower anyone with an audience to spread positive, helpful, truth-based information — through blogs, videos, social media, and email blasts. In this “decentralized media” approach, we all […]

How to Build a Healthy Blockchain Ecosystem

How to Build a Healthy Blockchain Ecosystem

One of the many hats I wear is serving as a board member of the Boston Blockchain Association. This is an industry group that is dedicated to creating a healthy blockchain ecosystem — first in Boston, then the world. It’s hard to do blockchain in a vacuum. Even though it’s […]

The SEC Safe Harbor Blockchain Proposal (+ Downloadable Guide)

The SEC Safe Harbor Blockchain Proposal (+ Downloadable Guide)

Big news on the blockchain front: The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has made a proposal that would allow blockchain projects to once again thrive. Hester Peirce, the most forward-thinking SEC official on blockchain, put forth a proposal outlining a three-year “safe harbor” for new blockchain projects that would give […]

Here Comes the Trump Digital Dollar

Here Comes the Trump Digital Dollar

The Wall Street Journal ran an opinion piece this week that was huge. We’re about to make it yuge. Entitled We Sent a Man to the Moon. We Can Send the Dollar to Cyberspace, the piece was written by two leaders of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Christopher Giancarlo and […]

Stablecoins: What They Are and Why They Are Inevitable

Stablecoins: What They Are and Why They Are Inevitable

“PROCEED AS IF SUCCESS IS INEVITABLE.” This quote is attributed to Anonymous, who penned a great many famous sayings. That dude was a genius. I often use this quote when talking about blockchain industry. “Inevitable” is one of my favorite words, because it really does seem to me that in […]

How to Run a Blockchain Unconference

How to Run a Blockchain Unconference

A colleague from the insurance industry once told me about a conference that changed her life. Only it wasn’t a conference; it was an UNCONFERENCE. What is an Unconference? “Imagine all these executives from the insurance industry,” she said, and I tried to picture the wild parties that must ensue. […]

Where the Pullback is Heading, the Doomsday Clock, and BCH Dev Tax

Where the Pullback is Heading, the Doomsday Clock, and BCH Dev Tax

No thanks to broad inaction on climate change we’re now just 100 seconds from midnight. For those of you who are unfamiliar, the Doomsday Clock is a metaphorical barometer maintained by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, which currently boasts 13 Nobel laureates on its prestigious board, and it’s meant to […]