You’ve probably seen Google’s “Do The Five” campaign, about how to avoid contacting Coronavirus.
But how do you communicate this in a way that people will REMEMBER?
At Media Shower, we’ve been working on CoCo, our project to help positive messages about Coronavirus go, well, viral. (As marketing and communication professionals, everyone reading this can visit the site and help.)
We’ve spent the week talking with our clients in healthcare, learning how the impact of this pandemic on our global health system is going to be enormous. We can all do our part by helping SLOW THE SPREAD.
That’s what all this handwashing and social distancing is about: we’re not trying to stop the virus, we’re trying to stagger the virus, so everyone doesn’t get sick at once.
At our CoCo website, we’re putting together “CoCo Briefs,” which is not an edible underwear, but campaign briefs for the general public. We’re trying to make it incredibly easy to spread this information, so we can all #SlowTheSpread of the virus.
Check out our site, and let us know what you think. It’s a work in progress, but we’re working on it.
Check out our new CoCo Brief and help Slow The Spread.
What You Can Learn:
- Learn how to share the new SlowTheSpread campaign, with ready-made tweets and memes.
- Learn how we’re doing this viral content experiment, in real time, and adapt it for your business.
- Learn how you can help by contributing your best creativity to this project (volunteers needed).
5 Business Best Practices During the Coronacrisis:
- Strive for “business as usual” even though business is unusual.
- Stay busy, stay focused, stay productive. (This too shall pass.)
- Do the best you can with what you have. Solve problems creatively.
- Strike the right tone with your content: we’re here to sell, but (more importantly) we’re here to help.
- Spend 10% of your time helping others.