
Investing Around Deflation In Blockchain

Investing Around Deflation In Blockchain

Bitcoin has a deflation problem, but first, let’s talk about Satoshi Nakamoto’s buried treasure. When Bitcoin’s anonymous creator launched his project, he mined approximately 1 million tokens for himself. Those coins have sat ever since in an account, untouchable yet visible on the blockchain. No one knows who they really […]

Blockchain Regulation: A Proposal for Moving Forward

Blockchain Regulation: A Proposal for Moving Forward

Blockchain is maturing. Two important things have happened over the past few years to draw government attention to the blockchain industry. First has been the explosive growth of cryptocurrency. Investors have made fortunes off bitcoin, Ethereum, and altcoins, proving the value of this market. Second, and arguably more important in […]

Top AI Blockchain Projects, Rated and Reviewed

Top AI Blockchain Projects, Rated and Reviewed

There are a number of entrepreneurs who believe that blockchain technology and artificial intelligence are a match made in heaven that has the potential to disrupt industries in a never-before-seen manner. Here are the best AI blockchain projects that are currently developing next-generation solutions for a range of industries. Related […]

Proof of Work vs. Proof of Stake vs. Delegated Proof of Stake

Proof of Work vs. Proof of Stake vs. Delegated Proof of Stake

Distributed networks face a coordination problem. Independent players within a network require a mechanism they can use to communicate as well as participate in decision-making within the network. Blockchains rely on so-called consensus mechanisms to function. Consensus mechanisms are algorithms employed within blockchain networks to ensure that the structural integrity […]

3 Lessons for Blockchain Investors from Local Currencies

3 Lessons for Blockchain Investors from Local Currencies

One of the most exciting parts of blockchain has been the development of the ecosystem. This is an innovative business model, one in which the company runs its own free market economy around a self-generated currency. It may be the most experimental way of doing business since the invention of […]

Here Are the Public Companies with the Most Blockchain Patents

Here Are the Public Companies with the Most Blockchain Patents

According to an analysis by patent research experts Envision IP, a number of private and public companies have filed for blockchain patents in the last few years. Here’s a complete list of public-traded companies who have filed for blockchain patents. You can use it to identify ways to add indirect […]

Life after Google: A Talk with Futurist George Gilder

Life after Google: A Talk with Futurist George Gilder

Speaking exclusively to Bitcoin Market Journal, technology futurist George Gilder expressed his belief in the notion that blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies will introduce significant changes into a wide array of industries. Gilder is an investor and a well-respected author, having written a number of bestsellers. Notable among his books are […]

Why Blockchain Platforms Are So Valuable for Investors

Why Blockchain Platforms Are So Valuable for Investors

Remy Carpinito, CEO and founder of Esprezzo, joined Bitcoin Market Journal’s own Sir John Hargrave for a BMJ Live discussion of blockchain platforms and their value for investors. In an informative interview, Carpinito shared some thoughts about blockchain technology in general and blockchain platforms in particular. What Is a Blockchain […]

Equity Tokens on the Blockchain: The Next Step Forward

Equity Tokens on the Blockchain: The Next Step Forward

Developers: In partnership with the good folks at Lannister Development, we have now released an open-source framework for Equity Tokens. Download the Equity Token framework here, and let us know how it works for your blockchain project! One of the most hotly contested issues in the blockchain space is regulation. […]