Author: Sir John Hargrave

Read and Grow Rich

Read and Grow Rich

One of my favorite modern writers is Richard Rohr, a Franciscan friar who lives in New Mexico and writes things about religion and spirituality that many of us believe, but are too afraid to say out loud.

The Uniswap Unicorn

The Uniswap Unicorn

In 2017, Hayden Adams was a young mechanical engineer working at Siemens. It was his first big job out of college, and he was crushed when he found out he would be getting laid off.

The $7.5 Billion Blockchain Investment

The $7.5 Billion Blockchain Investment

The trend known as DeFi, or Decentralized Finance, is taking the blockchain world by storm. As of this writing, the total amount invested (or “locked”) in DeFi is about $7.5 billion, and growing.

The Golden Rule of Value Investing

The Golden Rule of Value Investing

Mati Greenspan and I were talking recently about basic investing principles. He was marveling that people are still buying Tesla stock at $2,000 a share. “People don’t understand valuation,” he said.

The State of the States

The State of the States

In the U.S., the states are in trouble.
I point you to the excellent research done by economist Bo Zhao at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.