Author: Steve Walters

How to Mine Bitcoin Cash, Step by Step

How to Mine Bitcoin Cash, Step by Step

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) was created from a hard fork of bitcoin and use the same proof-of-work consensus mechanism and SHA-256 algorithm as the very first cryptocurrency. Today we want to look at how to mine Bitcoin Cash for profits and fun. Mining Bitcoin Cash Because it is a proof-of-work altcoin, […]

How to Buy Ripple, a Step-by-Step Guide

How to Buy Ripple, a Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re thinking about buying Ripple, you’re not alone. The blockchain-based remittance network and real-time settlement system designed to replace the SWIFT global financial messaging system gained a lot of attention from the media and investors in 2018. Why? The price of its altcoin XRP has rapidly appreciated, putting it […]

How to Mine EOS, Step by Step

How to Mine EOS, Step by Step

EOS is a blockchain platform meant for the development of decentralized applications (Dapps), quite similar to the function that Ethereum serves. In fact, its purpose is so similar that EOS has been called “the Ethereum killer” by its proponents. While it hasn’t overtaken Ethereum, it has seen its digital currency […]

How to Mine Zcash, Step by Step

How to Mine Zcash, Step by Step

One of the earliest privacy-centric altcoins was Zcash (ZEC), which was introduced in 2016. It remains one of the more popular privacy coins, thanks to its developers introducing the concept of zero-knowledge proofs called “zk-SNARKs,” which allows Zcash users to transact without giving away their personal information or identities. Even […]

How to Mine Dash, Step by Step

How to Mine Dash, Step by Step

Dash is an altcoin that was launched in 2014 as “XCoin.” It later took the name “Darkcoin” before finally becoming known as DASH, which is an acronym for Digital Cash. It was created as a payment coin and uses the X11 algorithm with a proof-of-work consensus mechanism just like bitcoin. […]

How to Mine Litecoin, Step by Step

How to Mine Litecoin, Step by Step

Litecoin (LTC) is one of the oldest altcoins in existence, having been created and launched in 2011. You can buy litecoin, but it is also possible to mine litecoin. From the beginnings of litecoin until fairly recently, it was possible to mine litecoin with nothing more than your computer’s CPU […]

How to Mine Vertcoin, Step by Step

How to Mine Vertcoin, Step by Step

Once upon a time, you could mine bitcoin with your home computer. If you have looked into the possibility of mining bitcoin today, however, you have likely found that it now requires downloading a full bitcoin node, finding the right mining software and a good mining pool, and investing in […]

FAQs about Bitcoin and Altcoin Mining

FAQs about Bitcoin and Altcoin Mining

Mining of bitcoin and altcoins tends to be a confusing topic for many. How does it work? How can I set up a miner? And most importantly, is it profitable? These are just a few of the questions that led the Bitcoin Market Journal team to put together this frequently […]

How to Mine Monero, Step by Step

How to Mine Monero, Step by Step

Monero is an interesting privacy-focused coin that is preferred by many for mining because of its combination of anonymity protection and its commitment to remain resistant to ASIC mining. In fact, the Monero developers forked the coin in 2018 to keep it ASIC resistant, moving from the CryptoNightV5 protocol to […]