Author: Alex Lielacher

Top Decentralized Storage Tokens, Rated & Reviewed

Top Decentralized Storage Tokens, Rated & Reviewed

The blockchain sector enables investors to gain exposure to a range of newly emerged industries through the purchase of digital tokens. One such sector is decentralized cloud storage. In this guide, you will learn what decentralized cloud storage is and how you can invest in this new market through the […]

Best Blockchain Asset Management Tokens, Rated and Reviewed

Best Blockchain Asset Management Tokens, Rated and Reviewed

When the digital currency markets emerged as a popular investment asset class for retail investors in 2017, a number of digital asset management tokens emerged to offer investors the opportunity to invest into a diversified portfolio of digital currencies and tokens through the purchase of one single digital token. In […]

Biggest EOS Dapps, Rated and Reviewed

Biggest EOS Dapps, Rated and Reviewed

EOS has emerged as the leading blockchain platforms for the development and deployment of decentralized applications (Dapps) after its predecessor Ethereum. Currently, there are over 500 EOS Dapps running on the EOS blockchain. Below, you will find a list of the top twelve best EOS Dapps, measured by metrics such […]

Biggest TRON Dapps, Rated and Reviewed

Biggest TRON Dapps, Rated and Reviewed

TRON has emerged as one of the leading blockchain platforms for the development and deployment of decentralized applications (Dapps). Currently, there are over 450 TRON Dapps running on the TRON protocol. Here is a look at the top ten best TRON Dapps, measured by metrics such as TRX balance held, […]

Top Blockchain Healthcare Projects, Rated and Reviewed

Top Blockchain Healthcare Projects, Rated and Reviewed

The healthcare industry has been a prime target for disruption by blockchain startups that aim to leverage distributed ledger technology to improve the status quo of healthcare services delivery and secure medical records sharing. In this guide, we compare the best blockchain healthcare projects whose tokens you could add to […]

Top Blockchain Real Estate Tokens, Rated and Reviewed

Top Blockchain Real Estate Tokens, Rated and Reviewed

The tokenization of real estate assets is poised to become one of the most popular areas for blockchain investors. Through tokenizing property, investors are able to hold a de facto share in a real estate project in the form of a digital token while real estate developers are able to […]

Top Blockchain Market Research Websites 2020

Top Blockchain Market Research Websites 2020

In the fast-changing blockchain landscape, it is essential as an investor to stay informed about the latest industry trends, insightful market data, and expert views. To help you with that, Bitcoin Market Journal has compiled a list of the best blockchain market research websites that you can visit to find […]

Top Blockchain Market Analyst Reports 2020

Top Blockchain Market Analyst Reports 2020

As an investor, you recognize that knowledge is power. The more you know about an industry in which you are investing, the higher the chances that you will make the right calls. To help you make well-informed investment decisions as an investor in blockchain technology and digital assets, Bitcoin Market […]

Biggest Blockchain Companies by Valuation in 2020

Biggest Blockchain Companies by Valuation in 2020

The blockchain industry is no longer composed of a handful of small tech startups that are “playing around with bitcoin.” Today, there are several multi-billion dollar blockchain companies that are pioneering blockchain technology. Here are the biggest blockchain companies ranked by their latest publicly available valuation figures. Bitmain ($14 billion) […]