Top 6 Open Source Bitcoin Wallets, Rated and Reviewed

Leather wallet with gold coin labeled with the bitcoin logo.

The biggest appeal of open source wallets is that their code can be reviewed and publicly audited for potential security issues. As a result, open source software is often more robust than closed-source. The same goes for bitcoin wallets.

In this article, you will discover the top open source bitcoin wallets that you can download today.

Best Open Source Bitcoin Wallets

We have compiled a list of our favorite open source digital currency wallets and rated them according to criteria such as the number of supported platforms, the size of their social following, and their Trustpilot ratings.

NameDescriptionLaunch YearPlatforms SupportedNo. of Twitter FollowersNo. of BacklinksTrustpilot RatingScore
Bitcoin CoreBitcoin Core offers full validation and a warning system for better privacy. The UI is easier to use than a lot of other open source wallets, making it a good choice for those who aren't developers. It allows you to generate QR codes to receive payments, offers unique invoices, shows how much bandwidth you're using, and complete coin control and tracking.2009Windows, Mac, Linux101.k264.77k3.84.4
CopayThe Copay software is open source, but so is the server. Developers and users have complete control over all of their activities and take advantage the security they need. You can store multiple wallets in the same app and deploy your own apps. It also allows users to use more than one signatory for approving their transactions.2015Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS, Linux, Chrome app, Windows phone272k4.66k4.13.8
ElectrumLike many open source wallets, Electrum is released under the MIT License. It's a very forgiving wallet that allows you to recover your Bitcoin assets using a secret pass phrase. Your private keys are encrypted on your machine, your wallet will never be down, and you get cold storage with it, too.2011Linux, Windows, OSX, Android, Python24k20.54k3.93.8
MyceliumMycelium touts more stars on Google than any other Bitcoin wallet. Downloads are seamless and using it is a breeze. They call themselves the 'default' wallet because it's one of the most popular go-to Bitcoin wallets for beginners and experienced holders. It features more integrations and dApps than any other wallet and is constantly updating functionality.2013Android, iOS10.7k100.32k3.63.4
ArmoryBitcoin Armory claims to be the only open source wallet with cold storage and multi-signature support. This is a nice feature allowing you to access your assets even when you're not connected to the internet.2013Windows, Mac, Ubuntu26004.83k02
WasabiWasabi is a desktop open source, non-custodial wallet focused on privacy. It uses algorithms that are proven to be completely anonymous and have implemented trustless coin shuffling. You control your private keys with this one, too, but it lacks two-factor authentication and multi-signature capabilities. This wallet operates on a belt system and user promotions are based on approval from two belt levels above.2018Mac, Windows, Linux11.6k7.07k01.8

Whether you’re a beginner who needs a fantastic UI to help you navigate the intricacies of an open source wallet or you’re a developer who needs a platform that allows you to build on a secure base, these wallets will give you everything you’re looking for.

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