Top Bitcoin and Crypto Meetups for Zurich, Rated and Reviewed


Nicknamed “Crypto Valley” because of the huge number of blockchain projects that have made the region home, Zug, Switzerland is also a hotbed for crypto meetups and blockchain focused groups. Nearby Zurich is another hotbed for crypto activity and well worth a look for blockchain meetings.

Here is a look at the top meetup groups in Zug and Zurich, Switzerland, measured by metrics such as number of members, user rating and activity level.

City Meetup Group Name Number of Members User rating Activity Level Overall BMJ score
Zurich Bitcoin Meetup Switzerland 9,000 1 5 3.5
Zug Crypto Valley Forum 3,004 3 3 3.5
Zug CV Labs Zug 2,893 1 5 3.5
Zurich UZH Blockchain Center 1,854 2 5 3.5
Zurich Ethereum Zurich 1,663 3 3 3
Zurich Blockchain Meetup Zurich 2,368 1 2 2.5
Zurich Decentral-ization Meetup 1,423 1 4 2.5
Zurich Cardano Blockchain Zurich 1,029 2 3 2.5
Zurich Hyperledger Zug-Zurich 1,025 1 5 2.5
Zug Crypto Community 956 1 5 2.5
Zurich Altcoin Meetup Switzerland 2,661 1 1 2
Zurich Azure Blockchain Zurich 1,040 1 2 1.5
Zug Blockchain Hacklab 954 1 1 1

presenting to a groupBitcoin Meetup Switzerland

Members: 9,000
Activity Level: Very High

This group is composed of entrepreneurs, students, developers and bitcoin enthusiasts. They discuss the future of bitcoin and other crypto assets and regulations related to them. In addition, they also talk about the economy and the banking and financial system.

bitcoin risingCrypto Valley Forum

Members: 3,004
Activity Level: Average

This group functions as a networking community for people located in the Crypto Valley in Zug, Switzerland. The group is aimed at people and start-ups or other companies focused on blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

welcome to crypto valleyCV Labs Zug

Members: 2,893
Activity Level: Very High

This group has a monthly gathering and is for those who are interested in meeting like-minded innovators who are interested in discussing ideas and debating issues related to blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

inside a buildingUZH Blockchain Center

Members: 1,854
Activity Level: Very High

This group is for activities related to the Competence Center on Blockchain of the University of Zurich.

zurichEthereum Zurich

Members: 1,663
Activity Level: Average

This group is not only for enthusiasts but also for developers, entrepreneurs, and innovative finance professionals who want to learn about Ethereum, smart contracts, and cryptocurrencies. The group discusses technical, legal, finance, and economic topics related to Ethereum with a special emphasis on potential business applications to implement on the Ethereum network.

group listening to a speakerBlockchain Meetup Zurich

Members: 2,368
Activity Level: Low

This community welcomes those active in the fintech community or those who are interested in it. The meetup focuses on blockchain technology and how we transfer value in our lives. They commit to inviting highly sought after speakers, relevant large corporates, and startups capable of offering valuable insights.

decentralization meetupDecentralization Meetup

Members: 1,423
Activity Level: High

This meetup focuses on a multitude of aspects related to decentralization and the role decentralized technologies will play in society’s future. This meetup is organized by Dezentrum, a think tank focused on creating a decentralized future. They work closely with academic partners and the private sector as well.

cardanoCardano Blockchain Zurich

Members: 1,029
Activity Level: Average

This group decided to start a local meetup since Cardano Foundation’s Headquarters are based in the Zurich area. Join the group if you’re interested in being informed about upcoming events.

hyperledgerHyperledger Zug-Zurich

Members: 1,025
Activity Level: Very High

Like all Hyperledger meetup groups, this meetup has an informal relationship with Hyperledger. Participation is open to anyone. This included employees of a Hyperledger member company, Hyperledger contributors and developers, and anyone who has a passion for blockchain technology.

bitcoinsCrypto Community

Members: 956
Activity Level: Very High

This group experienced a recent change in leadership. As a result, they have organized multiple events on cryptocurrency, some of which are in-person, online, or hybrid.

speaking to a groupAltcoin Meetup Switzerland

Members: 2,661
Activity Level: Very Low

This group welcomes those interested in altcoins and is run and sponsored by Bitcoin Association Switzerland. They offer members top-notch events which include workshops, demos, discussion groups, educational sessions, and opportunities to talk to international guest speakers. Most meetups are free to attend.

microsoft azureAzure Blockchain Zurich

Members: 1,040
Activity Level: Low

This community was created to share experiences creating applications of Azure Blockchain technologies to solve real-world business problems. As part of their Code of Conduct, they are committed to providing a friendly, safe, and welcoming environment for all. They expect authentic and active participation and have clearly outlined consequences for unacceptable behavior.

blockchain hacklabBlockchain Hacklab

Members: 954
Activity Level: Very Low

This group wants to discover the potential of blockchain technology. They invite developers to join them to exchange ideas and experiences and discuss future technology in order to grow as developers. They are mainly focused on developers who specialize in protocols such as Polkadot, IPFS, Webchains, and Whisper.

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