Top Bitcoin and Crypto Meetups for Amsterdam, Rated and Reviewed

top bitcoin and crypto meetups amsterdam

The most complete list of every blockchain and cryptocurrency meetup in Amsterdam, with ratings! Our custom Bitcoin Market Journal Score is calculated by the number of members, user rating, and activity level. Use it as a guide for which meetups to attend in 2023.

If you’re looking for global events, check out our list of Best Blockchain Conferences.

If you have a meetup that you’d like listed, or represent one of the events below, contact us to manage your listing.


City Meetup Group Name Number of Members User Rating> Activity Level Overall BMJ Score
Amsterdam Ethereum Dev NL 2,450 4 3 3.5
Amsterdam Bitcoin Wednesday Amsterdam 7,624 5 1 3.5
Amsterdam Blockchain Netherlands (BCNL Foundation) 2,490 5 1 3.5
Amsterdam Food Integrity Blockchained 1,985 5 1 3.5
Amsterdam Hyperledger Netherlands 1,704 5 1 3
Amsterdam Permissionless Society Blockchains 1,586 5 1 2.5
Amsterdam Cardano Blockchain Netherlands 1,100 4 2 2.5
Amsterdam Blockchain Startup Weekend Amsterdam 2,620 1 1 2
Amsterdam Blockchain Talks 1,672 1 1 1.5
Amsterdam Ethereum Netherlands 1,118 1 1 1.5
Amsterdam Bitcoin Netherlands 1,029 1 1 1
Utrecht Lisk Center Utrecht: Blockchain Meetup 986 1 1 1

ethereum dev nilEthereum Dev NL

Number of Members: 2,450

Activity Level: High

This group has several Meetup locations throughout the Netherlands. This group is not only for developers but also entrepreneurs and enthusiasts focused on learning about and developing for Ethereum. They have identified topics that are off-limits including trading, ICOs, and blockchain politics. (BMJ Score: 3.5)

bitcoin wednesday amsterdamBitcoin Wednesday Amsterdam

Number of Members: 7,624

Activity Level: Very High

This is the Netherlands’ longest-running bitcoin and blockchain conference. They have a YouTube channel and website. Their Meetup community is focused on digital currencies and blockchain and related technologies. They regularly hold a conference in Amsterdam on the first Wednesday of every month. (BMJ Score: 3.5)

blockchain netherlandsBlockchain Netherlands (BCNL Foundation)

Number of Members: 2,490

Activity Level: Very High

Blockchain Netherlands, also known as BCNL, bills themselves as a community for Web 3, blockchain, and crypto-related startups in the Netherlands.  This group wants to make the Netherlands a leading blockchain hub.  They were founded in 2016, and they aim to further education, involvement, and adoption by creating awareness for the value that decentralized technologies can bring to businesses. They help to stimulate the ecosystem by connecting people with projects and ideas. (BMJ Score: 3.5)

web3 for foodFood Integrity Blockchained

Number of Members: 1,985

Activity Level: Very High

They provide new opportunities that are exciting and enable creation of integrated food systems. They were also known as The New Fork or The Fork. They have been focused on blockchain for food since 2017, but as of this year are now officially Open Food Chain. They have built their own platform, but want to make Open Food Chain an easy Web3 entry point for Agrifood supply chains. They hope to improve industry standards with the end result being reshaped, simplified supply chains. (BMJ Score: 3.5)

hyperledger netherlandsHyperledger Netherlands

Number of Members: 1,704

Activity Level: Very High

All Hyperledger Meetup groups have an informal relationship with Hyperledger. They invite everyone to participate whether you are an employee of Hyperledger member company, or a Hyperledger developer, or just excited about blockchain technology. (BMJ Score: 3.0)

permissionless society blockchainsPermissionless Society Blockchains

Number of Members: 1,586

Activity Level: Very High

This group meets weekly at Meet Berlage in Amsterdam. Their Meetups are aimed at both newcomers interested in blockchain to those who have more experience testing or applying blockchain technologies. They share knowledge and have interactive workshops. Their meetings are the result of collaboration between Meet Berlage and the decentralized BlockDAM DAO community. (BMJ Score: 2.5)

cardano blockchain netherlandsCardano Blockchain Netherlands

Number of Members: 1,100

Activity Level: High

This group was created due to a growing Cardano community in the Netherlands. They hold both social and educational events.  Their educational events include special guests and talks. They welcome suggestions or Meetup ideas. (BMJ Score: 2.5)

blockchain startup weekend amsterdamBlockchain Startup Weekend Amsterdam

Number of Members: 2,620

Activity Level: Very Low

This group hosts a 54-hour-long weekend event that connects skilled individuals including developers, business managers, marketing gurus, startup enthusiasts, and graphic artists among other professionals. Their sister event is the monthly Bitcoin Wednesday. (BMJ Score: 2.0)

blockchain talksBlockchain Talks

Number of Members: 1,672

Activity Level: Very Low

Blockchain Talks hosts community-driven blockchain and crypto conferences.  Their events include international speakers and local community members. Their events elaborate on how blockchain can change the way businesses work. (BMJ Score: 1.5)

ethereum netherlandsEthereum Netherlands

Number of Members: 1,118

Activity Level: Very Low

This group hosts their Meetup in Beurs van Berlage, the old Amsterdam stock exchange.  If you’re interested in building a startup in  Ethereum, smart contracts, smart equity or decentralized applications, this group is for you. (BMJ Score: 1.5)

bitcoin netherlandsBitcoin Netherlands

Number of Members: 1,029

Activity Level: Very Low

If you’re from the Netherlands and interested in Ethereum, smart contracts, bitcoin or communications systems based on bitcoin, this group might be for you. Individuals interested in mining bitcoin, Litecoin, and other select altcoins might also find their home here. (BMJ Score: 1.0)

lisk center utrecht blockchain meetupLisk Center Utrecht: Blockchain Meetup

Number of Members: 986

Activity Level: Very Low

The Lisk community organizes Lisk Center Utrecht, a professional blockchain hub and has a goal of helping general blockchain development globally. They have a desire to inspire people with their initiative and encourage the common goal of promoting blockchain adoption. (BMJ Score: 1.0)


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