Northern Blockchain Conference

Starts: 2/22/20 Ends: 2/22/20

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Spring Lane Building, University of York 397 Harewood Way
York, UK

Price: $10

Expected Attendees: 350

Established: 2020

Quick Summary

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The Northern Blockchain Conference 2020 is set to be the largest Blockchain conference to take place in the North of the UK. The conference is being held in the Spring Lane Building at the University of York on Saturday 22nd February. Featuring over 20 speakers covering a wide range of topics, there's truly something for everybody at this conference. In addition to the talks and panels, there'll be a networking area situated outside the lecture theatre where you can interact with companies and speakers.

Zain Rana, CEO of Pharmeum
Peter Longworth, CEO of BlockLogic
Lavinia Osbourne, Founder of Women in Blockchain

AMB Crypto
Oxford Blockchain Foundation
York Blockchain Innovation

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