Decentralized Talks

Starts: 11/11/18 Ends: 11/12/18

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Dublin, Ireland

Price: Free

Expected Attendees:

Established: 2018

Quick Summary

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Ireland is known as one of the European countries that embraces the blockchain revolution. Headed by a government that uses blockchain technology to support startups build their way up through local economy, together with banks that are committed to creating a leading international blockchain payment ecosystem, Ireland becomes another godsend on the list of blockchain enthusiasts. Decentralized Talks is meeting Dublin. For our first conference we aim to discover new views upon blockchain technology and its potential, to look further ahead a democratic economic system and focus on technological trends of a disruptive world.

Laura Clifford, Industry Partnership Manager, Adapt Research Centre
Anthony Day, Chief Operation Officer, Deloitte EMEA Blockchain Lab

Not Announced

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