2018 Blockchain Technology Summit

Starts: 8/24/18 Ends: 8/25/18

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Price: Free

Expected Attendees: 600

Established: 2018

Quick Summary

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Blockchain Technology Summit (BLC-Summit) gathers experts from around the globe to discuss the development and applications of Blockchain Technology on Aug.24-25 in Shanghai. Our 30+ talented and expert speakers will share compelling case studies, proven best practices, effective engineering approaches, and exceptional skills around Blockchain, Digitally encrypt currency, Consensus mechanisms etc. BLC-Summit is a must-attend event for people who are CTOs, VPs of engineering, architects, tech leads. Join us to explore the future of Blockchain Technology!

Lon Wong, CEO of ProximaX and Founder of NEM Foundation
Bill Yao, Founder of PPTV and Partner of BlueRun Ventures

Not announced

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